Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 5: Favorite Quote

Work as if you don't need the money. Love as if you have never been hurt. Dance as if no one is watching!

That is my all time favorite quote. I have to say this was one of the hardest days to pick something because I truly live by quotes. They inspire me so much. There is a girl on the bump that post a "QOTD" and I so look forward to reading them. When I was going thru some hard times in my life I would look at certain quotes to get me thru the day. This one in particular.

I work because I love my job and treat my patients as Im there for them and it has nothing to do with money. I honestly love my husband more than anything in this world. I love him just like the quote says every single day. I have been hurt by men in my life but I refuse to let that stop me from loving this man they way he deserves to be loved. I can honestly say I dance all the time when no one is watching!!!! I will put on Get Low from Flo Rida and dance like Im in a video or something. Great workout by the way!

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