Yesterday while John was out running I started working on the letters for Miles room. Ive done so many letters for friends that I cant believe Im actually doing my own!! Three of the letters are fabric that I used decoupage and wax paper to make the letters hard. Then I used an exact-o-knife to cut the letters to the actual wood. I let it dry for a few days. The material was actually pretty easy to put on! It was the cutting right up against the letter that was hard. It took me a total of two hours to get it all done but it was worth it. Here is my finished product:

Im still waiting on the cover for the changing table but it looks like the M of his name. I think they turned out pretty good!!! Im no picky about my letters Im sure I will take them back down and add some to them. The black L is actually fabric that has musical notes on it but in the picture you cant see it. Once the room is all done I will post a picture of it all. The bedding should be here around the 21st! I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-MissyCrissy :)
They look great! I can't wait to see it all done :)