Monday, July 11, 2011

These letters are so cute.....

Well its that time again where I post more pics of some letters that I just got done and gave to the momma yesterday!!! Here is a picture of me and the momma!!! She is a good friend of mine. We have been friends since we played softball together at the age of 7! This is her second baby!

She went with a Jungle theme for a girl. It was really really cute!!! She got alot of stuff yesterday and some really really cute clothes. Ok so here is a picture of the bedding. She is painting the walls brown not the green color in the picture.

And here are the cutest letters I think Ive done so far:

The pictures arent great but will have to do for now!!! Someone told me yesterday I needed to sell these on Etsy! But its different when you do them for a friend. I would feel a bit overwhelmed I think but maybe!!!

-MissyCrissy :)


  1. Oh my gosh! Those letters are amazing! :) You definitely should sell them on Etsy! I'd buy them!

  2. I would totally buy from you if you had an Etsy account :)

  3. You are so creative Crissy! They look great. <3

  4. Thanks guys!!! Maybe I will try to sell them on etsy!!!!

  5. Very cute!!! I think you did a wonderful job! You should totally sell them on etsy! I bet you'd make tons of bank!
