Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Im in love...

Good morning everyone. Sorry for not posting much. Trying to think of stuff to post. I cant wait til next wednesday we have our first U/S. Hoping that all goes well and we get to hear the heartbeat. John is not a crier and I have a feeling his eyes will fill up with tears if he hears it. We are going to see if we can video the sound so we can post it on here!!!

I have this deep gut feeling its a girl but we will see. We have been playing around with names. At first if it is a girl we wanted Lila but we like it spelled Lyla better. John's sister's middle name is Jane and that will be the middle name. So Lyla Jane it is!!! If it is a boy we were starting to have some issues. We liked Lucas but lucas has become the new aiden, caden, etc. So we are going with Miles Jackson. Jackson is my grandfathers middle name and my due date is on his bday.

Had my first smelling food aversion sunday. I was so excited about getting Red Hot & Blue and ordered for people at work and went and picked it up. Got in the car with the food and the smell of the bbq sauce made my stomach uneasy. I got to work and sat down to eat and one bite was so hard to swallow. Needless to say I ate maybe a quater of the sandwich. Do have to say Im so happy to have these kind of symptoms because it makes me aware that there is a baby inside of me. You will never see me complain about all this... I mean ever!!!!!!

I will update in a few days with my 6 week check-in!!

-MissyCrissy :)


  1. I will be thinking about you guys next Wednesday! So exciting :)

  2. Thanks Mrs B. Happy your testing is going good!! You know what they say after the hsg test the next 3 cycles is a great chance!!! Good luck girlie!
