Friday, May 20, 2011

I already ovulated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im kind of freaking out alittle because Im so dang happy that I dont have to give myself the shot this month. Went in for my third follie check and yesterday the follie was measuring 17.5mm so they wanted me to come back. I told the u/s tech that I ran 9 miles yesterday and she got alittle upset with me and told me to not be running that much. It drops your estrogen level. So she is in there looking and I notice my lining is down 2mm then she goes over to my left ovary and the follie is gone!!! She said guess what you Ovulated already. Im so so so so happy my body did it by itself!

The doctor was able to also do the post cotial test even though we had relations last night around 6. I got to see my mans swimmers swimming in my stuff. He said you are good to go and you dont have to move on to IUI!!! Oh thank you lucky socks and my body for cooperating this go around.

He did say that if this cycle does not pan out he is upping my dose of clomid to 100mg. Not sure why because Im a goofball and totally forgot to ask. I was just so happy thats all I could think about!!! So here is the start of the 2ww!! Im on my knees begging that this is it!! But if not oh well! Im just thrilled I dont have to get poked with a needle!

-MissyCrissy :)


  1. Thanks Lace!! Wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! The u/s tech loved the socks!!! Cant wait to wear another pair!

  2. Oh my gosh Crissy that's such awesome news! Starting finger and toe crossing.... NOW! <3, Squish

  3. Squish thank you so much doll!!! You are the sweetest!!! <3

  4. I'm so happy for you! Yippeeeee!!

  5. woohoo! What a nice surprise! :)

  6. That's pretty much the same thing that happened to us. I went in for a follie check and it was 17mm, doc said we would do one more and trigger (I even bought the ovidril to do it), went in for the shot and the PCT and it turns out I O'd on my own. That cycle ended with a beautiful baby girl who just turned 2 in Jan.

    Good Luck!

  7. Chrissy that just gave me chills reading your story because I even have the ovidrel in my refrig.... Hope Im lucky as you are!!! Thank you so much for posting this!
