Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dear Poise Pad Inventor...

I would like to thank you for inventing these wonderful pads. I would not make it thru one run without you. Kegel exercises arent doing the trick. So you are my miracle worker. Its gonna take me a bit to get use to peeing the whole time Im running. Hoping this really does get better or there is gonna have to be a medical intervention soon. I googled my issues and its called stress incontinence. Great. Think I might have to buy stock in Poise pads now.

On a lighter note I did run 3 miles yesterday with ease. I walked for just a minute. So I think I can be ready for this half marathon I signed up for June 10th. Just gonna keep increasing my long runs each week. The milk jugs aka boobies have to be tied down with two sports bras and a supportive shirt. I really need to go bra shopping!!! I just have to make sure my milk supply doesnt go down. Happy Im a water freak already!!! :)

Last but not least its almost time for me to be going back to work. My official day back to work is April 29th. I really hope this last month with Miles goes super slow! We are just getting into a little routine and I so enjoy our cuddle and tummy time. Learning about this little guy has been so fun. His smile makes my heart melt. He is now giggling at you and making all kinds of little coos and ohs.. So happy he will be staying with his grandpa John's dad in the morning time while John gets some sleep and then John will take him home. So no daycare!!! Gotta love working opposite shifts.

-MissyCrissy :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This and That...

This is pretty much a post that I will come back to when he is 5 and be like wow you did good kid! First and foremost Breastfeeding has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. Comparing that to running full marathons and having Miles. There are so many power struggles with it. One minute things are going well then the next minute I could throw in the towel at any minute. I had a friend come over and see Miles the other day and she has a 6 month old. Her daughter was acting hunger and whipped up a bottle just like that. I looked at her with envy because breastfeeding my child takes 45 minutes sometimes. Between feeding on one breast, burp him, change his diaper, offer the other breast, burp again, make sure he sits up for 10 minutes so we dont have reflux, and get him to sleep or play. By no means am I complaining that this natural thing that my body allows me to do. Just expressing what your mind goes thru the early moments of breastfeeding. You want to do what is best for your child and heck your budget in this dang economy. The other day someone said heck breast milk isn't just liquid gold so is formula.

 I think the hardest thing about breastfeeding truly is one not knowing how much your child is getting, when they are moving so much and wont get latched on, and that you are the only one that can feed him. Ive been pumping like a mad women so my hubby can give him a bottle a least once a day because when I go back to work at the end of April he will be able to feed him too. Miles will throw up a whole feeding and it will totally put me in a bad mood. All that hard work for a baby with a empty stomach. By far the most frustrating is when he is trying to latch on his arms are all over the place fighting with my boobs. I'm working on trying to make myself think its funny so I don't get so frustrated. Its starting to work. I truly believe he can tell when I get frustrated. So in the end breastfeeding is what you make of it. It truly is a process and do believe when people tell you if you can get thru the first few months of it you are in the clear. At times I have thought about just pumping and bottle feeding him. But Im not gonna let this defeat me!!!

On another note bladder incontinence sucks. Poise pads are my friend!! I started running again because I signed up for a half marathon June 10th I think it is. My first mile out I peed myself the whole way. So in my mind I was like ok just need to do more kegel exercises and it will get better. So I busted out the kegels everyday for the next 5 days before jumping back on the horse and doing it again. This time I tried a mile again. I got to about a quarter of a mile and bam it happened again. I had placed a panty liner in this time and that thing did not help me one bit. Looked like I had one very sweaty crotch. On my last run I did two miles and didnt start having issues til a half mile. By the time I got back home I had pee half way down my legs. Cues the sadness of wanting my old body back. I walked in the door and started crying to John telling him I was depressed. For those that dont understand running is my zen. It is what keeps me sane and a happy Crissy. Ive counted the day since I got pregnant that I would be able to run again. It truly is my depression medication. So for that to be all jacked up I started freaking out. Worried I was gonna ruin my bladder trying to run and cause bladder prolapse or something goofy like that. After talking to a few moms they told me that this is normal and it will get better. So happy to know that because I seriously think I would be going into a state of depression if this is what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life. But no matter what when I see my handsome little man it was and is all worth it. I will pee my crotch for the rest of my life if it means I get to love on Miles!!!

Feels good to get that all off my chest!! So since you have read all that I have to share some pictures. Miles is 12lbs by our scales at home now. He is growing so fast and today he rolled over during tummy time.

-MissyCrissy :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

We have a diagnosis...

Hey everyone! We had our ENT appt yesterday and got some good news. Miles does not need surgery. He does not have a the branchial cleft cyst that the peditrician thought he had. He has torticollis due to his traumatic delivery. That is a hematoma that has formed on the muscle of his neck and caused some scar tissue. All he needs is some physical therapy to work out his neck. We are going for an ultrasound to confirm the doctors diagnosis sometime next week. Ive already been googling exercises to help. Tummy time is his friend!!!

On a lighter note he is One month old already!!! How is that possible?!?! I feel like its only been a week since I had him. Before we know it he will be a year old. Here is a few pictures I took of him on his one month birthday!!

-MissyCrissy :)